the truth of the matter is the president doesn't get a lot of the publicity he should and he has to become a bit of a self-promoter and you can't criticize him for doing that. >> you're laughing here. we did the entirety of the speech last night. >> just a tad. >> let me play an excerpt. >> they're all watching because i won this district by 22 points. it's a lot. that's why i'm here. look at all those red hats, rick. look at all those hats. we're more popular now than we were on election day. this guy should win easily, and he's going to win easily. >> jess, he says the world is watching, they're all watching. what are they watching for? what is this race going to tell you and others? >> i think this race is an interesting one where democrats are viable in a race where they shouldn't be viable again.