conclusion, this was a surprise on a number of different levels. let me ask you one last prieiec. no other sitting president has ever agreed to meet one on one, to meet in person with the north korean dictator and because this was a surprise, because the secretary of state, you know, isn't there, secretary of state is in africa, there isn't a south korean ambassador. the long-time head of policy just left his job just left last week. is there any concern that the president by agreeing to take this meeting, that he may be doing something risky. there may be people within the national security establishment and military that may object to the president taking this meeting one on one? >> it's definitely risky. one of the things this would do, if we have a picture of kim jong-un and president trump standing next to one another, this actually achieves one of kim jong-un's long-standing and his father's goal which is to