in our pal garrett haake, who is in a polling station in houston because it is election day. we all love election day. garrett, you are in your home state of texas. we are talking about turnout, talking about democrats running in more congressional districts than they have ever even fielded before because they are hoping that the activism that we have seen in other special elections will translate to what has always been a red state. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. you are seeing this sort of rising tide mentality here, kind of like we saw in virginia where democrats had all these candidates running in state level races, but they hadn't always contested before. then all of a sudden they started winning some of those races. you are seeing the same thing happening here in texas, where democrats have fielded candidates in every one of texas' congressional districts, for the first time that anybody can remember. that's drawing out democratic voters in places where there may not be a ton of democrats but maybe there were even fewer coming out to vote before. all that sort of helps push the