loan to kushner from deutsche bank, a major lender to president trump and has been subpoenaed for records by special counselor bob mueller. deutsche bank partly funded the hotel in d.c., hosting more parties in the governments of kuwait, bahrain and saudi arabia are paying for. we do not know how much money was turned over. the trump organization also doubling the membership fee to join mar-a-lago after the election, the club where prz president trump was last night and this morning. what we know about the trump finances is murky as we've yet to see those elusive tax returns. richard painter, white house ethics lawyer for george wncht bush, and geoff bennett still with us. richard, let me turn to you first. we knew about this skyscraper a few blocks from where i stand. doesn't have jared kushner's

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President ,Trump ,Bob Mueller ,Deutsche Bank ,Blender ,Money ,Parties ,Governments ,Trump Organization ,Hotel ,Saudi Arabia ,Bahrain ,Kuwait ,The Club ,Finances ,Tax Returns ,Membership Fee ,Mara Lago ,Dprz ,Jared Kushner ,Us ,Geoff Bennett ,White House ,Richard Painter ,Blocks ,Ethics Lawyer ,Skyscraper ,George Wncht Bush ,Doesnt Have ,

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