>> vivian malone is another one. >> malcolm? >> well, mine, of course, is a spy. one of the first double agents in u.s. history. by the name of james lafayette. james am i stead lafayette. he took the name because the marquise de lafayette being with george washington infiltrated him into the camp of british general corn wallace, made him his personal aide. he actually was used by the british to go back and spy on the americans. the americans gave them false information. he took real information. and at the battle of york town when they lost, he went back to the marquise dough lafayette and at the surrender general corn wallace said you've not only taken my sword but my aid. he said he has been mine the whole time, sir. a complete double agent. >> francesca. >> i'm going old school. i really, really already look up to harriet tubman. i thault always thought what she did was really inspiring.