on and on. this, of course, is a preposterous idea for nothing other than the reason that if the police do enter, they're going to shoot the first person they see who is shooting, whether that's a teacher or assailant. so, that is the most idiotic idea and he's had lots of them that we've heard from him yet. and, of course, what do we see, a tragic story, the armed police officer who was at the school had a hand gun, did not go into the building, not acceptable, not what we prepare police officers to do. but he had a hand gun. one can understand not wanting to go up against a guy with an ar-15. how preprosterous is that. >> let me put up a poll. 97% of the public which includes pretty much everybody in the nra except for maybe 2%, supports universal background checks. the idea that nothing has happened is preposterous because even gun owners in this country support more than what the nra