talk and watching that young fellow talk about his anguish, of course that's moving. you'd have to be a stone not to be moved by that. do i think the president or republicans were moved? i don't know. we'll find out. actions speak louder than words. we know what to do to decrease gun violence. you look at the statistics, the number of people killed by guns, the united states 33,000 a year and the only real variable is the easy availability of guns in this country. australia had a school shooting a number of years ago, they banned assault weapons, they did a number of other things and they haven't had it since. we know what to do. will we do it? i haven't seen the president or the republicans step up to the plate and evince a willingness to do anything meaningful.

Related Keywords

President ,Republican National Committee ,Talk ,Course ,I Dont Know ,Stone ,Anguish ,People ,Things ,Number ,Gun Violence ,Statistics ,Actions ,Words ,Country ,Guns ,Assault Weapon Bans ,School Shooting ,United States 33000a Year ,Availability ,Variable ,Australia ,33000 ,We Haven T ,Anything ,Haven T ,Willingness ,Plate ,

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