red flags can't get a weapon like that. there aren't a whole lot of calls i got initially about, you know, complete banning of guns. it's really about the real vitriolic anger of what else does this have to take to happen? it's a shift away from washington to local action. and that's not surprising to me. as you said, a guy from washington, i cover the military. i cover security issues. i've been through these shootings as well, covering them as well. and everyone has been saying it. we don't expect congress to act. the speaker of the house's first response was just the opposite and not act on gun control, that is. you are seeing something else happening at the grassroots level. i think we'll see if this really is something different that sparks change at the community levels, at the county levels, all the way up. not just on gun control but on everything that's been discussed, school security, mental health. you name it. >> i want to ask you about the data side of this. we spoke a few times after the