school. and let him look them in the face and say, there's nothing we can do. it's too early to talk about your kid. we've been doing that, chris. how is that working out for the country? >> i'm wondering about the disproportionate of concern that you hear in these hours since this tragedy and all the tradition since. there's about one a week now, a school tragedy. eric is right. it is partially focused just on schools, this mass shooting. and i will say again, bringing these semi-automatic weapons to the schools, how do you keep them out of the door. this guy had a plan, smoke bombs, turn on the alarm and start mowing it people down. what's the plan of those playing defenses? what is the defensive plan? what's the nra plan to protect our schools? >> there is no plan. the plan is to be helpless and continue to feed the people giving you money and turn a blind eye to tragedy. when it's an illegal immigrant we need nud policy and to do something because our safety is