even privately really seems to want to take stock into what these people -- including porter, who had been such a trusted aide, someone who constantly traveled with him, was constantly in the oval office, and really taking stock in those denials. >> philip, sam nunberg, a former trump adviser, was on today. he was talking about rob porter as it related to the president. let's listen. >> he wasn't really served well by his staff. i don't think he had any idea about this. i don't think an issue about an fbi clearance for rob porter was taken to him, nor should it have been. >> so this is interesting, phil. when the president feels under pressure or he feels cheated or out of the limelight or in the limelight for the wrong reasons, he tends to tweet, he tends to lash out, he tends to identify other people as having failed him. what do you think is going to happen? >> well, ali, tomorrow is saturday, and we know saturday morning is when some of these