you were a kid? did your parents tell you was the most dangerous thing playing with fireworks? your protection. my dad always told me about fireworks, be ware of the apparent dud because it might not be a dud, might be slow. and sometimes more dangerous to have something not go off initially than it is just to have a big exciting firework where you know what it's going to do. this wasn't so much a dud. it was a firework with a faulty fuse. so it didn't provide the show it was supposed to when you thought it was going to but it did end up posing a danger to the people who were trying to set it off. democrats now say they plan to use the republican memo fiasco from friday against republicans, against congressional republican incumbents when they are all up for reelection. congratulations, you released the memo. it will be used in a million attack ads against you. it remains remarkably an open