angle sounds cold warrish to us, the thing to remember about the fisa court, they are deeply involved in preventing terrorist attacks. and keeping the country's general good record in absence of attacks in the last 15 years. this is important stuff that i don't think they will want to be on record as trying to reverse. >> and chuck, as the foremost expert on the fisa court application process, i will give you the final word. do you think we could see a change in the system? >> i think the system is fine. i assume that if the judges have concerns, they will call on the prosecutors and agents. judges are not going to rely on memos written bipartisans and i mean that either from the republican side or the democratic side. there is a flaw in the process. we have systems to fix it. but i can tell you having seen the process up close, that it is a careful meticulous exacting process. not perfect, don't misunderstand me. we get stuff wrong and we try and fix it. but we don't do it in a partisan