used to bang your head. why don't they bang your head on the roof of the car when they put them in the car. his whole thing is about bullying and getting the little guy, the weak person in the room when they know the protests are are outnumbered. it's always about playing your strength against the little guy. now he says he's mr. conciliatory. >> i'll give you a little vignette how democrats feel about that will little token of friendship that he's going to extend tonight. pelosi was in a meeting today and she said look, if you don't have anything nice to say are you going to yell out, you think you can't contain yourself, don't comment. that's how so many democrats feel tonight and chuck schumer is already on the record within the past few weeks saying that he just doesn't feel like he can deal with him anymore. he's not an honest broker. the dance that was done on than daca deal and the humiliation of democrats coming down the road to the white house thinking they