that is to go with the people, the person above him, the people below him, and try and isolate mueller. that's what he thinks is going to get him off the hook. >> you've got the president fires comey. he doesn't like comey and then he fires comey. he complains about mccabe. mccabe is now out. he complains about mueller and attempts to fire mueller and was sort of beaten back by don mcgahn. we now hear a lot of reporting about rosenstein. how seriously do you take that? >> i take it very seriously. i think he is going to try and do everything he can to somehow fire rod rosenstein. this memo, this so-called five-page memo that is supposed to be summarizing probably a couple hundred page affidavit and paper submitted to the fisa court which was taken out of context, it all relates to the fusion gps investigation. >> right. >> by christopher steele, all of which is becoming more and more corroborated as we're getting along, including the salacious part about the women which