graph? it shows a steady decline of black unemployment and white unemployment. the problem is, overall more black people are unemployed than white people. shouldn't that be the real conversation, how you bridge that gap? >> of course that should be part of the conversation, but the most important question to ask president trump, who tweeted this morning about black unemployment, was what policies have been responsible in your mind that you have put in place to bring down black unemployment? the answer, of course, is nothing. the other question i would ask is, 'eminem has been going afte the president for a year, not one thing, jay-z says one thing and he tweets about him. >> why do you think he wouldn't go after eminem? >> i can't imagine why, probably because he's a black celebrity. he goes after black celebrities all the time to get a rise out of his supporters, but this is a guy who went after barack obama saying he wasn't born here, also attacked john legend. the fact black people -- >> john lewis.