barely breathing. at first he drove right by her -- the story went -- then doubled back for a closer look. and what he found launched a thirty-year journey for one lonely child. >> there's all these whys that have not been answered. why was she forgotten about for all these years? >> reporter: a daughter determined to find out what happened that night. >> what's making you go forward? why not just let it be? >> something inside of me just wouldn't -- i wouldn'ttop. >> reporter: no matter how ugly e uth. >> she's knocking on ery door, she's ringing every phone. >> did you wish she weren't doing it, toby? >> i would just love to -- to say to her one more time, you know, "i love you." one more time. >> reporter: a daughter who wasn't afraid to make enemies. >> you are his nemesis. >> mm-hmm. and i'll never go away. >> reporter: brittany stork grew up in oregon, ohio -- a