but again, you can't do that with robert mueller. and that's going to be behind closed doors that really haven't leaked anyway. and also i would note that white house chief of staff john kelley on fox news tonight was very cold when he spoke about bannon. it was a little confusing because he said the white house had not instructed bannon to invoke executive privilege. that's a whole separate question. i thought that was very strange that kelley said that, but also said bannon has had basically no contact with the white house, doesn't talk to people there, there was no sense of a thaw. so he may have a long way to go if that is his strategy. >> we have a bit of that ready to run later in our hour tonight. a terrific conversation to start us off on a wednesday night. our thanks to michael crowley, barbara mcquaid, and tom lobianco, really appreciate it. our next guest was in that heated house intelligence committee meeting with steve bannon, he has a lot to say about claims of executive