stay in the country. >> who shouldn't be? >> if you were brought here not on your own but what should be enough to get you deported. >> i think and the president did this and we've done this in our campaign and we've crossed the wires between criminal justice and law enforcement and immigrant status on the other hand. there is noggin -- noggin consistent. and i think it was tough on law enforcement but being a welcoming state and community that people could come out of the shadows and engage with police and other community leaders. if you commit a crime you ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> back to the revenue issue. i take you you're going to raise taxes. >> we're going to stand for tax fairness. >> what does that mean? somebody is paying more. >> so if you are a hedge fund and you are getting away with carried interest that we should close as a loophole with the federal level, we'll find a way to do that at the state level. i hope with other ally states.