capitol hill said there was a lot he couldn't talk about, based on conversations with sources close to steve bannon, he wouldn't answer questions put to him. >> kristen, what gives him the right to say i can't talk about it? to say that the white house commanded him not to, what law is there, what rule? if you get sat down by the house intel committee, you have to answer questions. >> reporter: the white house is claiming executive privilege. that's essentially what bannon and his attorney cited yesterday, according to those in the room. and so they're saying that is specific to him being on capitol hill. obviously bannon infuriated the president after the quotes in that book, "fire and fury," in which he accused the president's son of what he called treasonous behavior for meeting with a kremlin-linked attorney during the campaign, as well as jared

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Steve Bannon ,Questions ,Conversations ,Capitol Hill ,Kristen Wielker ,Sources ,He Wouldn T ,Answer ,She Couldnt Talk About ,It ,White House ,Reporter ,Executive Privilege ,Rule ,House Intel Committee ,The House ,Law ,Attorney ,Room ,Donald Trump ,Book ,Fire ,Son ,Campaign ,Meeting ,Fury ,Behavior ,Quotes ,Jared Kushner ,Kremlin ,

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