and i think that if you rise on being outrageous you may in fact fall by the same force. >> steve, what's your take on that? are we going to get tired of the donald trump reality show. >> in theory we might. but we were wondering in 2015. conventional wisdom had it i can think back to the early days of the campaign in fall of 2015 when he called -- he said john mccain wasn't a war hero. that was the first time he seemed to step in it. we said that's it. >> he is done. >> he is a comic book figure and that's it. and it just continued. all the analogies we drew in the early days we compared him to hermann cane in 2012. that was the analogy. he lasted a longer than a few weeks np giuliani lasted a year and he clamsed as primary started. the primary started and he is winning. he wins the primaries not the general. then he is the guy that -- i