>> well, tell howard i can take him physically. you're going be running against a man who is going to be 75 years old or 76 years old at the time. whatever his age is. it would be a totally legitimate thing for people to say, let's look at biden. he would be the oldest guy to ever be president. see what kind of shape he's in. mentally. physically and rest. >> so back with us from washington, capitol hill reporter for the hill, molly hooper. i don't know if that interview there fuels anymore speculation object what joe biden is going to do. >> it does. it does. >> he's maintained a pretty good relationship with lawmakers. actually very visible. seeing him on the hill. not just the swearing in ceremonies. very vocal person in washington, d.c. last several decades. maintained those relationships. what kind of sentiment is there on the hill right now about a biden 2020 run. especially in the wake of criticism from within the party that's like we got to go forward away from the old guard.