bannon's credibility within a number of the things coming out of this book right now? >> i think that bannon's making the calculation that he'll outlast his detractors, he'll even outlast perhaps the president. he clearly believes there is some real significant jeopardy as he aused to in the book, that the mueller investigation poses to trump and his presidency. talks about it being a category 5 hurricane coming at them and they don't seem to recognize that or their public posture doesn't seem to recognize the severity of it. i think steve is speaking so brazenly because he thinks he's going to outlast all of these guys. >> why did he stay in the administration if he thought that meeting was treasonous? >> i think steve also realized it was good for him, good for his proximity to power, good for his public standing, the idea -- >> what does that say about the administration, that you have a bunch of folks in there who are just there because it's good for them, it's good for their proximity to power? and i guess don't really want to blow the whistle on something that they believe is treasonous. who's in the white house? >> well, i think that tells you you get your cues from the top and ultimately this is a president who has zero