that was number one. number two, with he mentioned the name mitt romney. romney has made it clear, he is interested in this race if orrin hatch doesn't run. take a look at this, romney very popular. mitt romney moved out to utah a couple of years ago. he'd been there before, running the olympics in 2002. this is a state he absolutely cleaned up. when he ran for president in 2008, republican primary in utah, mayor mayor got 90% of the vote. there are few politicians in any state in the country as popular as mitt romney in utah. so you add those two factors together, check this out, this is kind of a weird poll, but the only one that's out there. they threw a bunch of polls together of utah politicians and asked voters, if you had a chance, who would you want in the senate? mitt romney, it's not even close. he's out there at 44%. but look at this, by the way. orrin hatch was sitting pack at 8%. a u.s. senator for more than 40 years was getting lapped like six times by mitt romney in this poll. that's what hatch was up against. that's a big part of the story here of him backing out today. the question now is will mitt