lesson from alabama run everywhere you can now appears to be spreading. democratic candidates have filed in all but 20 house districts held by republicans. dems not just in districts where president clinton ran well, but for seats uncontested in 2016 where republicans do remain heavy favorites like texas, arkansas, nebraska. the times notes that by comparison, democrats in 80 districts do not have a republican opponent for their seat. and if you follow internal party debates you, may recall that fielding candidates across all 50 states was a core theme of howard dean's run for party chair back in 2004. now all of this could pay off next year. look at these polls. you democrats showing an 18-point advantage in the mid terms. that's for cnn. or 15 points per quinnipiac. or 11 points, that's our nbc/wall street journal poll. dave wasserman covers house races for the cook political report. he just crunched his numbers. when he saw those polls and