i knew he was. i mean you look at that. then you, you have to ask yourself. is this really a president who had no idea that these overtures were being made to the russians. >> let's get back to the one on the territory. israel and territories. and the question, michael smilt is, the president was obviously engaging in foreign policy. telling somebody. telling them to have him. to kill this u.n. resolution which he didn't want to carry him. and obama was ready to abstain on. and let carry. be enforced. clearly he was, setting of a counterforeign policy. in the middle east. >> yeah. long standing. precedent, there has been one administration at a time. that the incoming one sort of defers tieft. but what we saw here was very different. we saw, an administration that was constantly engaging in its own foreign policy. its own meetings, attempts to influence things. we are seeing some consequences now. a gray area that we hadn't. really seen in previous, you know, transitions. we are seeing, as they tried to explain that.