it's like you know it's happening, but it just doesn't feel real. it just feels like you're in literally like in a nightmare. >> an autopsy confirmed the death was by asphyxiation. so now it was homicide. but who was the killer? not andre. confirmed he was in milwaukee when nailah vanished. >> everything with him checked out. >> as for being questioned -- >> were you upset by it? >> not at all, no. they should have done that. that was part of doing their job. >> so what about that investor reginald potts, the one who had been so helpful? well, this was curious. when the detectives went to visit his high-rise apartment, they couldn't help but notice -- >> the exterior to one of the doors was extremely damaged. like it had been forced open. >> huh. that's weird. >> maybe not so weird. there was an explanation. >> reginald potts was recently visited by members of the cook county sheriff's department in an attempt to evict reginald potts.