encountered lots of the victims' blood but very few useful clues. >> we were looking for everything. every blood stained fingerprints. >> they found nothing that pointed to ernie. those shoe prints were consistent with a size 12 and ernie wore a 9 1/2 or 10. also the csi people found in one of those prints a speck of human dna that did not belong to either ernie or his parents. early on there was only that curious incident just a little odd that happened the day after the bodies were discovered. ernie showed up at the house all distraught insisting officer tucker gave him entry. no can do, she said, active crime scene and all. >> he became demanding and even condescending very, very quickly, which surprised me. >> why did he want to get in the house so badly? >> he wanted the will. >> he told you that? >> he did. >> his parents' will, which investigators found in a desk drawer.