sources that say we've talked to 30 sources inside of the white house that corroborated that, i this is that is much. i don't need to know that you talked to 30 people, just i need to know as best you can, who you were talking to. >> i would say one source is a really big -- i think generally one source is a big risk. unless it is one -- one impeachable source and that is kind of where -- in this sort of reporting. >> but if jack kelly tells you something off the record, who is -- then you got reason to run with that. >> that is considered -- very impeccable source. but the other thing is you have to think about people's agenda. not even how many sources you have or how good your sources are, but what their agenda is. why they are telling you this, what me might have to gain and how they are spinning it and that is a challenge in this story and increasingly becoming a challenge becauser seeing instances where there are people who want to set reporters up to