tax reform for the middle class. >> i want to ask you about what you wrote in your column today. i want to quote you. the tax bill the gop is trying to foist on the country is not only an unfair and deficit bloating hodge bpodge written o the fly, it is also deeply corrupt. we'll start with the unfair. i made the point that a number of studies have suggested that, in fact, it does tend to favor the rich in terms of real dollars. but why corrupt? >> well, corrupt, because there's a reason why the republicans don't seem to care about public opinion. and by the way, a poll, he invent add word there, he said people are being fed mistruths. no, the public is seeing what this bill does. it overwhelmingly benefits the rich and corporations. people like donald trump and senator corker and steve mnuchin. it actually takes money in the long run away from basically everybody at the bottom 90% of the income distribution. i call it corrupt for two