finds some fake scores we've planted from a competing team. >> guys, team a's scores are on the back. >> what? got to be kidding me. >> 20? >> we got to step it up. >> with he got to step it up. >> this group thinks the other team did the course much faster so our cheater goes ahead and lies about their time, writing down 29 instead of 33. but as his father predicted, anthony won't let her do it. >> no, no, no, 33. >> in fact, he stops the cheating by erasion the false time and writing the correct one. 33 seconds. >> oh, no the thing was 33. >> so far so good. >> let's go >> but the competition isn't over yet. another run through the obstacle course and natasha again knocks over a hurdle, a clear no no. this time, when our cheater tells her to ignore the rules and keep going -- >> keep going, keep going. >> forgot to reset it? >> to her mother's surprise, she does.