cleveland, 3 to 4 inches for you, pittsburgh, 1 to 3, and then it weaks in sections. and the poconos, and a dusting to an inch tomorrow. windchill, 10 in new york, 11 in d.c. 9 in roquanoke. pittsburgh's at 3. you get the picture. it's full heavy winter this morning. and the picture, teens in most areas but still very cold. burlington, vermont going to be blowing and wind-driven snow all day. tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m., windchill of 5, new york, 15, and it will begin to warm up. i'll mention the rest of the country looks fantastic. a little cool in the southeast. nice afternoon. and everyone in the west is mild and dry. >> ayman came in a snowsuit. he's prepared. >> one like "the christmas story" that zips all the way up?