state. republican mobile and baldwin county, you're looking for a shift. can the suburban republican voters, is moore the one republican they can't pull the lever for? that's the question. >> steve, do you have a soar throat because you're sick or you were cheering loudly for a football game? >> i thought i was covering it up. i'm going to try to save it for tomorrow night. >> do me a favor. sleep well tonight and take cough syrup. kristen welker and steve, thank you very much. and a group connected to a former 2016 presidential candidate is weighing in on this race. >> what if she was your little girl and daughter, or sister? what if she was 16 years old or 15? or even 14? would you let a 32-year-old man be alone with her? date her? undress her? >> stand up republican is out with a $500,000 ad buy against

Related Keywords

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