because bill, vice news conducted a focus group with supporters of roy moore. here's how one of those supporters explained her support for him. let's take a listen to that. >> roy moore is not a miserable man. this man has more integrity than you can find in the entire congress right now. don't fall for the george soros assassination plan. the truth will come out. these women are all going to be proven, just like the 16 that went against president trump. >> what's your reaction to that, bill? >> i think it's very sad to see these women put their ultimate faith in roy moore and to call, as she is, that these 14 -- i think it was maybe eight or nine, i lost track, with roy moore. remember, these were children, teenagers, and to call all of them liars. i'm afraid that that woman's perspective, however, is going to win the day on tuesday. i think it would be very sad to see roy moore come to the u.s.