has their interest at heart or might be more enthusiasm for it. but because the big question is turnout, this is going to be a low turnout race, 13 days before christmas, they really need supercharged turnout among african-americans and that's why the enthusiasm piece really matters. >> now, when you look at what's at stake, and i don't know that a lot of this has been communicated on the ground in alabama, i'm getting varying reports on it. when you look, though, at what is at stake, if roy moore is the senator, it preserves the slight edge in the senate majority of the republican party, which deals with the tax plan, which deals with rolling back the affordable care act, known as obamacare, which confirms federal judges, when you see what's at stake in terms of what the senate will do and that one vote which will keep them with a razor-thin majority or that one vote that could go the other way