opponent, doug jones, but he could drive. that plane will take him anywhere he wants to go, and that plane is not taking him to alabama, his own air force one. >> to your point, he could go anywhere today, but he is still in pensacola. i think this still is very much a full-throated campaign for roy moore, absolutely. i think the problem that you see when you see lindsey graham and flake talking in that video is that whether they win or lose, whether roy moore wins or loses on tuesday, they own this. this is like a skoex now, they can never get off it. >> that's strong. let me go to charlie. i think you might be right. is this a skunk smell. will they pay for this if he stands in the caucus and has his picture taken next to mitch mcconnell now and then. >> absolutely. they're going to wear roy moore around their neck in the 2018 off-year elections. this is a catastrophe for the republican party. the republicans can say roy moore is not the face of the