moore, especially considering the proximity that pensacola has to the alabama state line? >> reporter: yeah, good morning, yasmin. yeah, this media market to give you an idea, about 40% of it hits into alabama. so, we are watching the tv airwaves and seeing roy moore and doug jones commercials out here. as for donald trump coming here tonight, this is going to be an opportunity for him to really back up roy moore and try to hold onto a u.s. senate seat. as you've seen the last week he's been pretty emphatic in his support pour roy moore. his defense of roy moore and calling out doug jones. the concern over in the doug jones camp is the extent to which donald trump escalates his rhetoric. but the question is to what extent will that actually have an impact on that alabama race. you remember two months ago when he weighed into the alabama republican runoff, luther strange, despite him suggesting he did move the polls in strange's favor there is no evidence of such. roy moore ended up beating luther strange by 10%.