large finance institutions, people who might have been taken advantage of by credit card companies or mortgage companies, that sort of thing. this is something that didn't exist in the same form in the united states government, so it was created as part of dodd/frank. and it was created over the almost uniform opposition of republicans. thought a single house republican voted for it. nick mulvaney was not in congress when it was create, but he has been a staunch opponent of it ever since then. this was a democratic creation, and republicans have targeted it from the beginning. and i think what weave here is a ult-footly futile act of resistance by people within the agency who believe in its mission, who know that the trump administration doesn't. >> listen what donald trump tweeted over the weekend. it has has been a total disaster as run by the previous administration's pick.

Related Keywords

People ,Thing ,Something ,Part ,Form ,Sort ,Finance Institutions ,Companies ,Credit Card Companies ,Didn T ,Mortgage ,Advantage ,United States Government ,Director Mulvaney ,Frank Act ,Dodd ,House ,Opposition ,Opponent ,Single ,Gop ,Insurance Agency ,It ,Resistance ,Creation ,Beginning ,Ult Footly Futile Act ,Doesn T ,Administration ,Donald Trump ,Mission ,Weekend ,Disaster ,Pick ,

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