>> cellmates reach out to the women they not only murdered but whose bodies they desecrated. >> i never wanted anything other than your love. i never would have hurt you. >> but the mother of bean's victim has a different account. >> i know that heather was beaten by him at least four times. (amanda vo) i adopted scrappy on a fluke. and he totally has a super-power. didn't know i was allergic to ibuprofen. and i had fallen asleep... (scrappy barks) (amanda) he was totally freaked out, digging and pawing at me. and when i woke up i realized that i was in anaphylaxis and went to the emergency room. i don't know what i would do if he wasn't there. he's the best boy. (vo) through the subaru share the love event, we've helped the ascpa save nearly forty thousand animals so far. get a new subaru and we'll donate two hundred fifty dollars more to help those in need. (amanda) ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪