himself has called for a senate ethics investigation. i think that's the appropriate next step to take in that process. and i think my dear friend, john yarmuth, who's one of the most outstanding members of the united states house of representatives was being his usual pithy and to the point comment. >> before i let you go, let's talk tax reform. i want to play this exchange between orrin hatch and democratic senator sherrod brown. >> i resent anybody saying i'm doing this for the rich. give me a break. i think you guys overplay that all the time and it gets old. frankly, you ought to quit. >> i said sick and tired of the richest people getting richer and richer. >> what is the best to hope for out of this tax bill for you? and do you dread that it passes or are there some positives that you can see? >> well, it did in fact pass the house of representatives on thursday and it was a very sad