local officials say they need? >> i don't think $44 billion is a low amount. my guess is if you ask any average citizen across this country they wouldn't feel it's low either. up to this point texas has not put any state dollars into this process. we feel strongly they should step up and play a role and work with the federal government in this process. we did a thorough assessment and that was completed and this was the number we put forward to congress today. >> and -- in the future, specifically for puerto rico? >> yes. absolutely. at this point the requests that went in today of the roughly $44 billion primarily addresses texas and florida. those storms took place ahead of puerto rico. and the assessment for puerto rico hasn't been completed yet. once that's done, we fully anticipate that there will be additional requests at that time. >> and steve bannon is sending strong messages to the establishment, back off, of roy moore. is the president's allegiance to