there's cultural here that goes beyond the particulars of moore's case. this is a state that feels the rest of the country is looking down its noses at them. you can't deny, that was a large part of trump's space, a feeling of deep cultural resentment against elites who kept saying we know better than you and we are better than you. and there's a risk -- i would not be surprised if roy moore ends up being the next senator from alabama. >> i agree, there's no question that's a factor in it. look at the poll shift we've seen, doug jones up in some of these -- >> we said that after the "access hollywood" tape, but this anti-establishment force in this country right now is so strong and it is so proud that it helped donald trump win, and it could do the same thing here. >> you and i don't disagree about the force of that. i think we all agreel that people know the difference between anti-establishment and a