your answer to those individuals who learn that the individual tax cuts are only about eight years but the corporate tax cuts are forever? what do you say to those people who ask you about that? >> well, we try to explain the inside rules of d.c., the beltway type of restrictions we're operating within. i'm all about perm nanency for individuals. but this is about getting relief to people today. giving that that $1600. they don't have to worry about getting receipts, filling out tax forms endlessly. they can start seeing the relief in their paychecks commencing immediately. >> tom reed, we appreciate you taking time to talk to us about this. sounds to me we have to book more time so you and stephanie can hash out carried interest. i like you both, but she knows what she's talking about on this one. >> i understand. she's from new york and knows it first hand. >> good to see you. congressman tom reed on the ways and means committee.