there ain't nothing confusing about carried interest, it's a gift. >> what might be confusing is she got talked to by a bunch of private equity interests and others who love having this tax break and now it's somehow confusing, but it's not. these are gains that private equity managers make on their funds and they should be ordinary taxation, because they are there -- this is their salary. this is how they make this money but they get this capital gains treatment and it's a boondoggle for them. they're a powerful lobby and trying to stop it. i think they're more worried about interest deductibility in this thing and getting rid of the special tax treatment for corporate interest deductibility because they rely on huge amounts of debt to fund their leverage buyout. >> ben, can we point out, can we point out that in the last eight years, private equity firms because they have long-term locked up money, because they don't have to mark to market have become behemoths. steve schwartzman, david rubenstein, tony james have become the richest of the rich.