campaign successfully. >> would it be senator strange, do you think? >> we'll see. >> mitch mcconnell was the leader of the senate republicans who today stepped out of the if true group into the roy moore must drop out now group. every republican senator who endorsed roy moore has withdrawn their endorsement of roy moore with the exception of rand paul who just returned to capitol hill today after recovering from injuries. senator jeff flake today bah imthe first republican senator to say he would vote for a democrat over roy moore. just to be clear, he said if the choice is between roy moore and a democrat, i would run to the polling place to vote for the democrat. jeff flake said that after the fifth accuser spoke. beverly young johnson was 16 years old when she was working in the old hickory house restaurant and roy moore was a regular customer. she said he came in almost every night and stay until closing

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Roy Moore ,United States Senate ,Bah Imthe ,Republican Party ,Senator Mcconnell ,Leader ,Group ,Who ,Endorsement ,Exception ,Injuries ,Capitol Hill ,Jeff Flake ,Rand Paul ,Choice ,Democratic Party ,Polling Place ,Beverly Young Johnson ,Accuser ,Old Hickory House Restaurant ,Closing Time ,Customer ,Spoke ,16 ,

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