it was 40 years ago. who cares? that means that this women have been playing this on auto repeat for every day of their lives. the one woman, the 14-year-old, she tried to commit suicide two years later. and then you have people saying if these allegations are true? well, it made a big difference in that little girl's life and that woman's life. >> there is a solution now for the majority, the majority of republican senators who refuse to take a real stand on this and instead choose to say if this is true. but there's a solution. there's a path for them to follow. it is the transcript, portions of the transcript we just read. >> from sean hannitty. >> just read the transcript, senators and make up your mind after you read that transcript. >> you can't read that transcript without basically -- given the way he's hedging on these questions, you can't help but -- you don't have to have covered "cops" for very long to