voting against a democrat. now people view doug jones as maybe the lesser of two evils, so to speak. i hate to put jones in a category there of evil, because he's certainly not. he's a reasonable man. you know? >> who prosecuted two klansmen as vaughn pointed out. josh moon all eyes will be on your state. appreciate you taking the time out of your sunday to spend it with us. thanks a lot. >> thank you. coming up, stranger things, after a really odd twitter attack on north korea's leader, president trump suggests the two could one day make amends. what the statements mean for tensions, as trump wraps up his asian tour. >> strange things happen in life. that might be a strange thing to happen, but it's certainly a possibility. into an ally account. and if that's not enough to help you save, we could help you cut the cord. that's right. cancel it. what about my reality shows? ok, if that's not enough, we'll give you reality.