by his own admission, michael garcia was once a high ranking leader of a notorious gang that dealt in drugs and violence throughout florida. now he's at the hillsborough county jail in tampa appealing a 17 year prison sentence for drug trafficking. but with eight daughters, he also considers himself a family man. >> that's my babies. >> two of garcia's eight daughters, 20-year-old sianna and 19-year-old anya visit him at the jail two to three times a week. >> every day they come i'm happy. they're like my best friends, so we talk about everything. yeah, we talk about everything. >> but talking is as far as it goes. they never actually see each other in person. the jail requires that inmates' friends and family members check in at the visitor's center. the inmates remain in their housing units and talk to their loved ones by telephone and closed circuit tv. >> my friend and i were talking at school today, me and my dad have issues but we get along now. like that's my best friend. i tell my dad everything. i talk to him about guys,