part of it. >> we're not, they are. >> i don't think it's wrong we're in niger. i don't think it's wrong if you talk about the global fight on isis. last point is we are actually achieving a lot in the fight on isis. >> that's a great point. >> he's not talking about that. he's hurting his own agenda. which is something that his voters and regular americans would really like to know about. >> that is a great point. we cannot understate during this administration this week what happened in raqqah is a big deal and the president should be taking a victory lap. >> yeah. >> i'm not sure why he's not. all right, great conversation. eli, thank you. you two, stick around. coming up, new nbc polling shows a growing leaving of fear surrounding north korea. we're going to go inside the reclusive country. and happening right now, here at nbc, we're monitoring the spirit of liberty event going on in new york city. patrick woke up with back pain.