somehow or other they got 20,000 people into the garden that night. >> at the time, "the new york times" wrote an editorial in which they said that we need to be in no doubt as to what the bund would do to and in this country if it had the opportunity. it would set up an american hitler. so, arnie, they wanted to have hitler-like rule in the united states? >> exactly. and kuhn fancied himself that he was going to be the american hitler. >> it's amazing when you look at the documentary. what is it that they are doing? what are they rallying for? >> it's sort of a celebration of the rise of white supremacy. and to me one of the things that grabbed me so much about the footage was not that there is an anti-semitic leadership. i think there are people that would do this. but there are some pan shots across the crowd and you see tens of thousands of new yorkers who, you know, are dressed in suits and hats and dresses.