potential military options. the president repeatedly expressed frustration that his predecessors haven't done enough. he also says he does not want to forecast what he would do. but his actions against the secretary of state and certainly not giving the secretary of state the typical power to be speaking for the president, you see with president trump trying to put a little daylight between himself and secretary tillerson when it comes to things like negotiation or possible talks with north korea, the president's demeanor on this has been the talking is over. yet he's not gone as far as to say there would specifically be military action. how this plays into it is hard to determine. the president goes to asia next month. this is going to be a huge topic with all of those partners in the region when the president visits. >> all right. well, let's stay on the president's demeanor. dave sherman's piece in vanity fair says -- fears the president is unraveling nep report goes on